Division News



Bay Area


Stanford & LPCH



Dec December 23 Fri 2016

Bay Area top doctors 2017

Drs. Heidi Feldman (Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics) and Lou Halamek (Neonatology) are named to San Francisco Magazine’s list of Bay Area Top Doctors 2017. Read more>>

Dec December 01 Thu 2016

How does burnout affect NICU caregivers and their patients?

Stanford researchers including Dr. Jochen Profit are studying caregiver burnout in NICUs. Analyzing California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative data, with responses from 2000 providers collected at 44 California NICUs, they found that burnout varied from 7.5 to 54.4 percent within each NICU. Among healthcare workers, non-physician burnout was found to be more prevalent than physician burnout. Despite increased burnout in large NICUs, researchers found little association with healthcare-associated infections. Scope blog reports. Read more>>

Nov November 30 Wed 2016

Listen up

Stanford Medicine magazine’s Fall 2016 issue focuses on Diagnostics and includes a story on the stethoscope. The instrument, developed 200 years ago (1816) and now a ubiquitous symbol of the medical profession, uses sound to diagnose physical ailments. While newer technologies like the ultrasound probe may offer greater precision and more information, Dr. William Benitz argues that the stethoscope is still essential, especially in neonatology. He stresses the importance of physical exam skills and intuition in medical education despite improvements in technology. Read more>>

Additional coverage:

Scope blog

Nov November 17 Thu 2016

Using storytelling to gain insight into patient perspectives on disease

Dr. Henry Lee led a two-week course for medical students called The Empathy Project. Students interviewed patients and their families and visited their homes, exploring how patients’ medical issues impact their day-to-day lives. One student group was assigned to a family with twins in the NICU. Scope blog reports. Read more>>

Nov November 15 Tue 2016

Fewer U.S. parents say they spank their kids

National data from 1988 to 2011 show that parents are using less physical discipline like spanking or hitting. During the quarter-century stretch, the proportion of middle-income mothers who condone physical punishment dropped from 46 percent to 21 percent. Meanwhile, the proportion of mothers supporting time-outs increased from 41 percent to 81 percent. Dr. Heidi Feldman is quoted in this Reuters story, saying that non-physical discipline is a far better alternative because it’s a compassionate approach that helps children learn and it’s linked to lower odds for physical abuse. Read more>>

Oct October 31 Mon 2016

March of Dimes Prematurity Research Center Fall 2016 Newsletter released

Our March of Dimes Prematurity Research Center's Fall 2016 newsletter features a Q&A with epidemiologist Dr. Suzan Carmichael, an essay by Dr. Paul Wise about global health iniatives in areas of unstable governance and political unrest, and an infographic showing how we keep track of the >140,000 samples we've collected from mothers and babies.

Oct October 26 Wed 2016

Exploring how physicians can handle discrimination by patients

How can doctors committed to providing care manage discrimination by patients and families? Our fellow Dr. Emily Whitgob devoted her residency research to exploring this problem and interviewed pediatric faculty educational leaders to get their thoughts on how they would address this kind of discrimination as a trainee and as a supervising physician. Discussions led to four major recommendations: 1) assess illness acuity; 2) cultivate a therapeutic alliance; 3) depersonalize the event; and 4) ensure a safe learning environment for trainees. Study results were published in Academic Medicine, and Dr. Whitgob received a considerable amount of press on these findings. Read more>>

Additional Coverage

Huffington Post

Kaiser Health News


Inside Stanford Medicine


Fierce Healthcare


Oct October 05 Wed 2016

Investing in nurturing care during early childhood pays off, new studies find

While early child mortality is down, 43 percent of all young kids living in low- and middle-income countries (250 million) are at risk of not meeting their full developmental potential. This is according to a new series of scientific studies published in The Lancet, which shows that stunting and extreme poverty, especially in the first 1,000 days of life, limit children’s physical, intellectual and emotional growth. Global health expert Dr. Gary Darmstadt is quoted in this Scope blog story. He reports on the economic analysis, saying that “the cost of inaction is huge,” adding that children who experience growth stunting and extreme poverty stand to make 25 percent less per year as adults as children who grew up in a more nurturing environment. Read more>>
