Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellows

Our Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship lasts three years. Meet our fellows who are at different stages of their career development, and learn about their research projects. All of our current fellows are members of the Stanford Society of Physician Scholars (SSPS) in the Department of Pediatrics.

Danielle Sharp, MD | Class of 2025

MD: University of California San Francisco in San Francisco, CA

Residency: University of California San Francisco in San Francisco, CA

MentorsSonia Bonifacio, MD,  Valerie Chock MD,MS, EpiDavid Kwiatkowski MD, MSRebecca Kameny, MD 

Research Interest: Congenital heart disease

Jennifer Sequoia, MD, PhD | Class of 2025

MD: University of Chicago in Chicago, IL

PhD (concentration in Immunology): University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

Residency: Stanford University and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford in Stanford, CA

Mentors: Paul Bollyky, MD, PhD and  Virginia Winn, MD, PhD

Research Interests: How bacteriophage impacts pregnancy (which I researched during residency) and point of care ultrasound

May Szeto, MD, PhD | Class of 2025

MD: University of California San Francisco in San Francisco, CA

PhD (concentration in Biomedical Sciences): University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California

Residency: University of California San Francisco in San Francisco, CA

MentorsAnca Pasca, MDValerie Chock, MD, MS Epi, and Carla J Shatz, PhD, MPhil

Research Interests: Basic science and translational research in neonatal brain injury, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, chronic lung disease


Cristina Gutierrez, MD | Class of 2026

MD: University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona

Residency: UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital in Los Angeles, CA

MentorsRitu Chitkara, MD, Justin Baker, MD, and Seth Hollander, MD

Research Interests: My interest is to focus on health disparities as a contributing factor to preterm birth and how these disparities impact specific disease processes in preterm neonates. I hope to advocate for underrepresented and marginalized communities that we serve in our NICUs in order to identify barriers to care and implement early intervention.


Daphne Darmawan, MD, MBS | Class of 2026

MD: Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan

Residency: UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, CA

MentorsValerie Chock, MD, MS Epi, Gary M. Shaw, DrPH,  and Richard J. Shaw MD

Research Interests: I am interested in exploring best practices for supporting parental mental health in the NICU and the subsequent effects on neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants. I also have an interest in health system infrastructure and actionable steps organizations can take to improve healthcare provider well-being.


Igbagbosanmi Oredein, MD, MBBS, MPH | Class of 2026

MD: University of Ibadan in Ibadan, Nigeria

Residency: Michigan State University Hurley Medical Center in Flint, Michigan

Mentors:  Jochen Profit, MD, MPH, Sonia Bonifacio, MD, and Baraka Floyd, MD

Research Interests: I am passionate about addressing the impact of social determinants of health on neonatal outcomes and interested in research focused on advancing health equity for vulnerable infants. Additionally, I am interested in optimizing neonatal nutrition and human milk availability globally.


Andrew Parsons, MD | Class of 2027 

MD: Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA

Residency: Boston Combined Residency Program (Boston Children’s Hospital / Boston Medical Center)

Mentors: TBD

Research Interests: TBD

Desiree Gutmann, MD | Class of 2027 

MD: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Fachbereich Medizin in Frankfurt, Germany

Residency: Stanford Pediatrics in Palo Alto, CA

Mentors: TBD

Research Interests: TBD

Matthew Cranshaw, MD | Class of 2027 

MD: University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine in Miami, FL

Residency: Kaiser Permanente Northern California GME in Oakland, CA

Mentors: TBD

Research Interests: TBD